Monday 9 May 2011

Tangled - Disney Fairy Tale

As- Salam,

Harini rewatch disney fairy tale story called "Tangled", ceritanya telah diubah supaya si cantiq Rapunzal lebih at the same time, sangat romantic......owhhh how i wish.....rasa terberangan sekejap......

Suara mandy moore sbg Rapunzal mmg sgt sesuai, sweet and truly disney princess......lagu yg paling ear candy to me is "See The Light" by Mandy feat Zachary ......rasa seperti "selamat dtg ke dunia Tangled u alls.......felt so fuzzy n warmssss.....

X dpt nk upload video lagu tu cuma link to you tube See The Light , layan gambar k....

Character well played and paling best hero sgt hensem.... hahaha dan heroin cantiq......

lots of luv,



Unknown said...

wahh... macam best ini cerita...

misscha said...

sy suka muviee bg bintang - bintang dilangit